Live In-person and Online Workshop
Acupressure Facelift & Rejuvenation Qi Gong
"Beautiful Face Qi Gong"
with Lee Holden
In-Person and Streaming Live Online in HD
Sunday, May 12, 2019
1p.m. - 4:30p.m Pacific
Look and Feel Years Younger in Just 20 Minutes a Day With This Simple and Natural Facial Toning Exercise System
We all want to look and feel young.
Well, maybe not all of us… but most of us do! This is why there are millions of products, potions, lotions, fillers, facials, lifts, and surgeries that promise us “eternal youth.”

Yet what if we told you that there is a completely natural way to look and feel younger and healthier without using external beauty products or invasive surgeries?
What if there was a way to keep the signs of aging at bay and create a more lifted and healthy appearance?
What if there was a system of simple, facial toning exercises any man or woman could use to remove wrinkles and tighten saggy skin?
Well, there is one.
Based on 4,500 years of ancient Chinese Medical practice, “Beautiful Face Qi Gong” is a simple, effective way to reduce and reverse the effects of aging... with just 20 minutes a day. 
Here’s How “Beautiful Face Qi Gong” Works
Just like saggy arms or thighs that require exercises to get firm, so do saggy jowls, cheeks, chins and droopy eyelids.

“Beautiful Face Qi Gong” stretches, strengthens and relaxes the muscles in the face just like yoga does for the body. 
Beautiful Face Qi Gong combines the principles of Qi Gong and acupressure to oxygenate the underlying muscles of the face and neck.

As the skin is stretched and contracted during the exercises, elastin production is increased. Elastin is the stuff that makes your skin springy and soft, and gets depleted with age.

Blood, oxygen, and Qi is channeled directly into the muscles of the face during the workouts. This encourages the connective tissues, which hold your muscles and skin to the bones of your face, to become more flexible and firm.

With consistent practice, the muscles themselves strengthen. As they do, forehead wrinkles start to clear, lines around the mouth begin to disappear, and your face looks fuller, firmer and starts to glow.
We can’t promise that you’ll look like you’re a teenager… but we can promise that if you do the exercises you learn in the Acupressure Facelift & Rejuvenation Qi Gong workshop you’ll look really, really good (regardless of your age.)
All you need is your fingertips and 20 minutes a day.
Why Spend Thousands on Beauty Products and Surgeries? In the Acupressure Facelift & Rejuvenation Workshop You’ll Learn How to…
  •  Use “Beautiful Face Qi Gong” to create a more youthful appearance. 
  •  Increase the production of collagen and elastin (two key ingredients for plump and bouncy skin.)
  •  Exercise, train, and tone the 43 muscles in your face to give yourself a more lifted appearance, firm the cheeks, and lift the lower face. 
  •  Produce consistent anti-aging results with safe, natural, and traditional techniques.
  •  Age with grace and look the best you can at any age (as you practice, you’ll feel a lot more confident and a greater sense of self esteem.)  
  •  Release the underlying tension in the face with specific acupressure point massage.
Let Your Inner Beauty Become Your Outer Beauty
Lee Holden

Lee is an internationally known instructor in meditation, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong. He is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and author. He has been featured on American Public Television and select PBS stations throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Through his DVDs, Public Broadcasting specials, classes, in-person workshops, and teacher trainings, Lee has helped tens of thousands of students heal from injury and disease, slow their aging process, feel better than ever, and maximize their energy.

Lee Holden

Lee is an internationally known instructor in meditation, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong. He is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and author. He has been featured on American Public Television and select PBS stations throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Through his DVDs, Public Broadcasting specials, classes, in-person workshops, and teacher trainings, Lee has helped tens of thousands of students heal from injury and disease, slow their aging process, feel better than ever, and maximize their energy.

Ask Questions Live
A chat window alongside the video player allows you to ask questions and chat with other workshop participants. 

We'll curate the most-asked questions, and ask them of Lee live, so you can have them answered during the workshop.
Ask Questions Beforehand
You may also write us ahead-of-time with questions you'd like Lee to address during the workshop.

Just send them to:
Save the Date
Sunday, May 12, 2019
1:00pm Pacific Time

Coming In Person?
1119 Pacific Ave. #300
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Enter on Cedar St., take elevator 
to the 3rd floor
Here’s What Students Say About Workshops with Lee Holden
 I'm so blissed out!! Crazy how effective this stuff is!!! And Lee's understanding and how he gives over the information is just fantastic, very deep and holistic. He is really helping me upgrade my views on life and anchor them in. I'm so happy I found you guys!!
Barbara N.
 My husband (nearly 84 and with various health challenges) has taken up Qi Gong only a couple of months ago, and I am already seeing a noticeable difference in him - especially a more relaxed and optimistic outlook on life, as well as more confidence in physically moving around.  

Myself, (in my early 70's,) - I really appreciate Lee's workshops, particularly, at this point, in helping me release old stresses and traumas.
Linda G.
 I knew going into it that it would be transformative, but I couldn't have imagined quite how much it has impacted me. I feel amazing, with a ton of energy and a new level of calmness. 
Emily D.
 I feel myself becoming more whole because of it, thanks again… 
Test Your Internet Connection
With a Free Qi Gong Mini-Routine
Test Your Internet Connection
With a Free Qi Gong Mini-Routine
Can you watch the entire 7-minute video on the right (or below, on a mobile device)? 

Is there little or no stuttering or freezing?

If so, your bandwidth should be sufficient. And you know what that means...

It means you should come to the workshop!

Click on Lee to test your connection with a 7-minute Qi Gong workout! 

What the Experts Say
Praise from Bestselling Author Deepak Chopra
"Lee’s Qi Gong routines are a perfect blend of exercise to jump-start your day and help you relax at night.” 
Deepak Chopra, M.D
Author of more than 65 books, 
including 19 New York Times bestseller 
Taoist Master and Bestselling Author On Lee’s Work
“Lee does great work. I’m happy to work with I’m every chance I get. I recommend him highly.” 
Grand Master Mantak Chia
Taoist Master, Teacher, and Author of 32 books including the bestseller, “The Taoist Secrets of Love.”
The Most Do-Able and Relaxing Thing That I’ve Seen in a Long Time
"It’s the most do-able and relaxing thing that I’ve seen in a long time. You don’t have to turn yourself into a pretzel or anything, and it doesn’t seem like exercise. It feels good for your body.”
Erik Smith
Acupuncturist, Herbalist, and Nutritionist
Vice-Chair of Surgery at Columbia University on Qi Gong’s Benefits
“If you want to live to 100, practice Qi Gong.” 
Mehmet Oz, M.D
Vice-Chair and Professor of Surgery at Columbia University and Director of the Cardiovascular Institute and Complementary Medicine Program at New York Presbyterian Hospital
The Perfect Tool to Help Refocus and Energize the Mind, Body, and Spirit
“Lee’s Qi Gong is the perfect tool to help refocus and energize theming, body and spirit. I found them to be a wonderful aid in connecting me to my body’s natural rhythms and to relax, especially in such a fast-paced world… he’s cute too!” 
Hayley Atwell
English actress, known for her role as Peggy Carter in “Captain America: The First Avenger.”
"What if I can't make it at that particular time? 
Or, what if the live streaming doesn't work on my connection?"
Don't Worry, Be Happy!
The Replay will be posted in your Media Library and it's yours to keep forever
We will post a replay video of the workshop within a few days of the event, in your media library. The replay is downloadable and yours to keep forever!You won't miss a thing, whether you just can't make it live on Sunday, or your internet is slow that day.

Please note - if you normally have trouble buffering high definition videos online, the live event may not be a good fit for you. Please allow us 3-5 days to post the video online. ALL participants will get a digital copy of the workshop posted into your Media Library. All Media Library items are downloadable.
Workshop Starts In
Meditation for Manifesting Greatness

This audio program was designed by Lee Holden (Senior) to help you to set clear intentions and put the universe to work manifesting them.

Lee believes that without a clear focus, we wander aimlessly and manifest the average. Through meditation, you connect to source, the white light. Without this light you try and accomplish things with just the personality, and we all know how well that works out! 

With a clear intention and connection to source, all things are possible. We are so much more powerful than we have ever realized. So now is the time to take our power back instead of giving it away externally.

This powerful guided meditation consists of:

⦿  Relaxation exercises

⦿  Countdown, which is a self-hypnotic induction technique to remove your ego

⦿  Activating the White Light (Qi) down from above and up from below (the Yin and Yang) 

⦿  Building a Protective Ball of White Light, which keeps out any stress and negativity (any energies that you don't want)

⦿  The guided visualization, where we craft your mental movie, while activating all the senses

⦿  Planting the Seed - leaving you with just the right suggestions in the mind to make sure your intention is met

Lee Holden Sr.
Bonus: Free Two-Week Trial
By signing up for this workshop you'll get a two-week FREE trial of my online video class subscription program. You'll get to come to my regular weekly classes online, which is the best way I know of to develop a consistent Qi Gong practice.

Each class is a one-hour practice plus an optional fifteen-minute meditation. We also make a twenty-minute version of each class for those busy days when you can't fit it all in.

Feel better and better, day by day with access to up to twelve new classes each month!
"The videos have been an enormous boon to me.  I’ve had a few very stressful weeks lately, combination of medical stuff as well as various personal changes, and there have been a few times when I’ve felt nearly stretched to my limit. 

 I’ve turned to the videos, knowing that they would be a help, but each time I’ve finished the videos feeling not the “somewhat better” I’d anticipated, but instead feeling really good, light in my body and so much lighter in my mind! I keep saying that the videos have been a real blessing through this stretch — so I thought perhaps I should tell the source!

Thanks again! Lee’s teachings are quite amazing…"

 - Jill D

How It Works:

  • once you sign up for the workshop, you are eligible for a free two-week trial of the classes
  • if you decide to continue, you'll be automatically placed on the monthly billing plan at $39/month
  • offer available to new subscribers only
Register Now for only $97
+ Live Workshop Sunday, May 12, 2019
+ Replay is downloadable and available in your media library forever!
+ Bonus: FREE Two-Week Trial of Lee's Online Qi Gong Subscription
Questions for the team? 
Email or call 844-4QIGONG (voicemail)
©2019 Holden QiGong